Motherhood is one of the most gratifying experiences of life, but it comes with significant changes to the physique. As bodies adjust postpartum, sometimes the physical changes can take an emotional toll as well. Noticeable difference include -
Abdomen Skin Laxity Or Muscle Bulge, Breast Deflation Or Sagging, And Generalized Increase In Fat Deposition In The “Love-handles” Or Inner Thighs.
These changes can be significant, and unfortunately, are typically resistant to diet and ecercise.

It usually involves a procedure on the breasts (breast lift, augmentation, or both), the tummy (tummy tuck or lipo) and perhaps liposuction elsewhere on the body (arms, thighs, hips). The idea is that after one procedure, you’re well on your way to looking as good or even better than you did before you had your children.
Viva Mommy surgeries :
Vaginal reconstructive surgery
There are a number of reasons why women opt to undergo vaginal tightening surgeries. It is important to recognize whether these purposes are reconstructive or cosmetic in nature. Reconstructive surgery is done with the purpose of improving a bodily function for a certain area. For example, birth defects in a baby girl can require reconstructive vaginoplasty or labiaplasty. This is so that she is able to have normal function of the urinary system, menstruation cycles, sexual pleasure and birthing as she grows. Other functional issues that require reconstructive surgery include urinary incontinence and bladder control problems. This issue may cause an overactive bladder and release urine when one laughs or coughs. It can also cause muscle spasms in the urinary system. Vaginal tightening through vaginoplasty or labiaplasty helps reconstruct the area to function correctly.

Cosmetic Vaginal surgery
Cosmetic Genital Surgery: Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty
What's the difference between Vaginoplasty & Labiaplasty?
Vaginoplasty is a procedure that involves gyres surgically tightening the entire vagina from loosening post pregnancy or due to age.
Labiaplasty on the other hand is performed 10 separately or in combination with vaginoplasty. It involves surgery on the labia of the vagina alone. The labia, consists of the labia major or labia minor (the outer and inner lips of the vagina). This surgery helps make the lips symmetrical by changing the size or shape of the labia.